“Julia Laurenne Chambers is a rare bird who has a grounded presence, but gives observers the instant impression that she has something special about her.”
— Anna Jacyszyn (Kelowna Daily Courier)
Interview with Global News on Playing Maria in The Sound of Music
Interview with Castanet News on Playing Maria in The Sound of Music
Interview with Kelowna10 on playing Maria in The Sound of Music
Interview with ShawTV on playing Sally Bowles in Cabaret
Feature: ali in Mamma Mia!
Castanet News
Interview with Sue Skinner
Don’t Mess with a Soprano
Interview: playing Esmeralda in the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Jude Campbell - Kelowna Daily Courier
Feature: Neil Simon’s Plaza Suite (V.O.)
Castanet News
Interview with Sydney Morton
Global News
Interview: playing Sally Bowles in Cabaret
Jude Campbell - Kelowna Daily Courier